Sunday, October 19, 2014

Phase Two: Week 2

So it's Sunday and the end of week 2, which means it's time for a weigh in and picture update.

October 5th when I weighed in I was 229lbs. Today I weighed in at 231lbs. Granted that is a gain of two pounds, but I was expecting at least a gain of 5 pounds so that is a win.

Here are the comparison shots: (I don't really see a whole lot of difference but then again it's only been two weeks)

Working out this week didn't really happen like it should have and I only made it to the actual gym twice this week because of job interviewing stuff and a charity event, but I did walk the dog quite a bit this week to get some kind of movement in since I didn't make it to the gym as often as I'd like. 

Good news this week though on the lifting front for leg day. I think I have figured out why I was getting so sore...doing intense cardio after. We skipped it this week and there was no major leg soreness. This makes me both happy and sad because I have figured out why it was happening but I use to do cardio all the time after leg day and now what 4-5 weeks later I can't. What's up with that? I think I am just going to try to build it back in see how it goes. 

I also think that my food plan is changing for the next two weeks and I am doing more of a cutting diet, but I am still waiting to find out exactly what will be on the menu from by brother so hopefully I can update the new two week food plan tomorrow. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Phase Two: Week 1

Well not much to report from week one. 

The new diet has me feeling really bloated, and I am not sure what exactly is the cause but I have a feeling it might be the black beans. 

Workout wise leg day kicked my ass and left me sore for about 4ish days which is an improvement from the last leg day but still odd that I am left that sore for so many days afterwards. 

All of my other lifting days have been going well. It's odd not doing an hour of cardio every workout or doing a second workout a day. I have a feeling the lack of cardio is going to hurt me weight wise but my brother did say that I would probably gain 5ish pounds my first two weeks but to stick with it as it will pay off, so I am trying not to worry too much about it. 

Next Sunday is weigh-in/measurement/picture day and lets just say I am not looking forward to it because I know I am going to see set backs, but I have to remember that they are just numbers and there is a reason for it.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Phase Two Starting Weight and Measurements

I haven't weighed in and measured since August 17th and going off of the program for about a month I knew that when I stepped on the scale and measured today I would see a definite increase in numbers but I was hoping it wouldn't be that detrimental to my weight loss goals.

Here are my measurements from August 17th:

Weight: 224 lbs              
Chest: 44 1/2"
Biceps: 14 1/2"
Waist: 37"
Stomach (around the belly button) 40"
Hips: 44"
Thighs: 26 1/2"
Calves: 17 1/2"

These are my measurements from today:

Weight: 229 lbs              
Chest: 46 1/2"
Biceps: 14 1/2"
Waist: 38 3/4"
Stomach (around the belly button) 43"
Hips: 44 3/4"
Thighs: 27 1/2"
Calves: 17 1/2"

Here are my photos from August 17th:


Here are my photos from today:

So in about two months I have gained 5 pounds and 8 1/4 inches. Needless to say that I am disappointed in the gain, but the minor set back just makes me even more motivated to start this next phase and to keep myself on track as I now can see just how easy it is to undo all the hard work that did. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Phase Two-Get Fit Challenge: Game Plan

So technically I'm not supposed to to another cut for six months buuuutttt I discussed it with my trainer aka my brother and he's agreed to let me to continue with the program. However for this next 14 week phase things are going to be a little bit different not only in training but also in eating. 

Here is the Meal Plan for the next two weeks:

6 Egg Whites
1 Cup Malt-o-Meal
2 Rice Cakes

6 oz Lean Meat
2 Cups of Veggies

6 oz Lean Meat
1 Cup Legumes 
1.5 Cups of Veggies

6 oz Lean Meat
2 Cups of Veggies

1 Scoop of Protein
1 Banana

6 Egg Whites
1 Cup Legumes

My new Training Schedule consists of 6 days of weight training and three days of cardio with one of the days of cardio being my off day from weight training. Cardio wise however I will be starting over from the beginning of the program with 30 minutes per session for the next two weeks with a 5 minute increase every two weeks until I reach an hour per session again. Another change will be that I will not be doing two-a-days this phase. 

I have been warned that I will more than likely gain up to 5 pounds my first two weeks as my body adjusts to not only the addition of carbs but also the increase in food and decrease in exercise with the loss of a workout a day and less cardio to start with. Hopefully I can keep this in mind when this does happen and remind myself that it is part of the program and there is a reason for the gain. 

Tomorrow morning I will be weighing in, taking measurements, and pictures. Every two weeks I will be taking photos that will be submitted to my brother for evaluation and possible alteration to my program.  I will do monthly weigh ins, measurements and photos that will be posted here to track my progress.

So there your have it Phase Two...wish me luck I am at this point pretty excited to get started.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wedding Madness and New Goals

Well kids it's been awhile since I posted any updates so hopefully this one makes up for it. 

I am not sure if I mentioned this in any of my first posts but right before I started this program I went wedding dress shopping. I was at my heaviest and definitely dreading the whole trying on dresses experience. Thankfully the staff at the bridal salon I went to (Hope's Bridal) was so amazing and had plenty for me to try on and really made me feel comfortable. It only took 5 dresses before I found "the one." I was the first person to try this dress on and it was a brand new designer to the US from Australia. I kid you not when I say that this dress fit me like a glove. Even the owner came up and looked at it and said, "It is like it was made just for you." Now if that is not a sign I don't know what is. The other great part is that I would have been happy wearing that dress even if I didn't lose any weight and that was a very been thing to me since I didn't know how successful this program would be.

I had my mom take a picture of me in the dress so we could use it as another way of seeing progress since you do in fact try on the dress multiple times before it's finished. 

So this was at the end of April:

If you've been following from the beginning you will remember that I spent my first month of the program down in Missouri with my brother and his fiance to help me through and give me that extra support and at the end of that month I had lost 11 pounds and 12 inches. Shortly after arriving back in Iowa I went back to the bridal salon to try the dress on again to see if there would be an issue with alterations. 

This is a picture from the beginning of June:

I was amazed at how big the dress was on me. I actually had to have someone hold the dress together in this picture because it just kind of hung on me and it was laced up tight. Needless to say you could say I was really happy with my progress.

Fast forward to end of August and my first official fitting for alterations. At this point I knew that I had to stop with the major weight loss because once the dress is altered it get's expensive and time consuming to continue to alter it. At this point though I was down 36 pounds and 32 inches (took 4 months) and pretty pleased with that. 

Here are pictures from that day:

At this point I could really see and feel a difference in the dress but it wasn't until Shelby (my brother's fiance) sent me this picture that I put it all together and had that wow moment.

So there we have it. The wedding of course was amazing and Blair and I had a great time. I am still in awe of how many people came from all over the world to celebrate with us we are truly blessed with a great group of friends and family. 

What's next you might be asking? Well after my hiatus from the program I am gearing up to jump back into things on Monday. 

My new goal is to lose 45 pounds by January 18. That's a goal of a loss of 3 pounds a week for the next 15 weeks. It's going to be tough but it's going to be so worth it. If I do reach my goal I will be at 179 pounds just in time for our trip to New Zealand. I don't promise that the posts will be pretty these next few months but hopefully they will be amusing and maybe  even inspiring. LET'S DO THIS!!