Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 26 Get Fit Challenge...down side to no carbs

Week one of the no carb diet is over and I think I am suffering from some of the temporary side effects that go along with it. I have found that all this week my body has been very tired and run down. Like clockwork I would need two hour naps in the afternoon after my morning workouts as I would just be exhausted and needed some rest. All of this need for extended naps made me a little worried so I did a little research to see what might be going on with my body and I found this great article on that talks about 8 temporary side effects to low carb diets.
Side Effect 1 /// "Brain Fog"
The first major side effect that you'll likely experience—usually about 2-3 days into your low-carb "induction"—is a mental lethargy often called "brain fog." 

Side Effect 2 /// The "Induction Flu"
This goes hand-in-hand with brain fog—call it a "body fog." Since the typical Western diet is so carb-dependent, starting low carb can make your body feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath it.

Side Effect 3 /// Increased Irritability
Feel like you have a short fuse on your low-carb diet? You're not alone. Low-carb diets can make certain people irritable, especially when they first start. 

Side Effect 4 /// Weird Smells And Tastes
Ketones are a by-product of your body using fat as fuel. This means that as you progress further into your low-carb diet, there will be an inevitable build-up of ketones—called ketosis—which can cause some unique side-effects.
Side Effect 5 /// Decreased Strength And Endurance
All the meat and protein in your new diet is going to transform you instantly into a warrior in the gym—right?Unfortunately, in the short term, many people experience the opposite. Some have no problem adapting and will respond favorably right away, while others find themselves unable to toss up numbers that used to be a cinch. They may also feel a pervasive fatigue working its way into their cardio and athletic activities.
Side Effect 6 /// Constipation
Meat itself doesn't cause constipation, but constipation can be an issue if you don't have enough roughage, no matter what your nutritional system. As a result, it's a must that you get your veggies as often as possible.
Side Effect 7 /// Dehydration
You might jump for joy the first time you step on a scale after going low-carb, but don't be fooled. That weight you lost wasn't burned off—it was peed out. Ketosis has a well-documented diuretic effect that can be pretty intense for some people. Dehydration can also make the other side-effects here more pronounced.
Side Effect 8 /// Feelings Of Depression
This is a contentious point in the low-carb community, but there are some researchers who maintain that reducing your carb intake can impact your brain's serotonin levels, putting you at risk for depression and mood imbalance. 
I am pretty sure I am dealing with side effects 2 and 5 which would explain why I've been so run down. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks things will even out and I will feel better and have more energy.

In other news on the eve of my next weigh in I find that those horrible voices have crept back into my head filling it with all kinds of negative thoughts.

I keep hearing things like this over and over:

You're disgusting and not worthy of anything good
You're lazy and undisciplined
None of this will make a difference you're still fat and will always be fat
This should be so easy and you have messed it up
I don't even know why are you trying you're a failure
What is wrong with you? 
You're doing everything wrong?

Obviously I am still struggling with my self-esteem and self worth. I've been trying to tell myself that I am happy with who I am but every time I go to think of good things about myself I hate everything. So tomorrow when I step on the scale I need to remember this:


  1. Wow girl....I can totally identify with the latter part of this post. I, too, am partaking in my own fitness challenge and I keep having all the negative thoughts fliw through my head. There was one day that I was unusually positive about it all and told myself that I was going to really get into this and make it to a figure competition. Yeah, crazy I know but I am trying to get a goal in mind and tell myself that I can get there. Even if I don't make it to competition, I try to remember that God made me beautiful no matter what and at least I am trying. You are doing awesome and don't beat yourself'll get there!

    1. Thanks for the support April! It's good to know that I am not the only person that fights with negative thoughts.
      Your goal is fantastic! I wish you the best reaching it. If you do go to competition please let me know I'd love to see pictures. My brother did a body sculpting competition and got really into it and it was amazing to see the transformation his body went through.

  2. This is SO AWESOME and incredibly motivating. When I was selling books door to door in college (and my life was in the shitter, haha) they told us every morning to wake up, look at ourselves in the mirror and say "Hey there, you good lookin' thing. Don't you ever die". It's absurd and you laugh at yourself doing it, mostly because after 84 hour work weeks and roughly 10 hours a day of unadulterated rejection, the last thing anyone looks is good, but its actually incredible. You laugh at yourself, which is more than half the battle, get your tall, cool glass of perspective for the day, and then at that point you're ready to find the will and determination to get out and just kick the ever-loving-shit out of the day. Lush, you are incredible! Keep talking to yourself out loud and fighting through all the pain (emotional and otherwise!). Be your own coach and when you find your thoughts slipping into anything negative or defeatist, tell yourself, OUT LOUD, that you will persist until you succeed. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! wooooooo!

    1. Oh Erin...this made me cry (don't worry in a good way). Thank you so much for the advice, support, and motivation. Sometimes all you need is a reminder from amazing people like yourself that you are bigger than your critics (esp those in your head). FIGHTING!!!
