Sunday, September 7, 2014

Days 125-131 Get Fit Challenge...Minor Set Backs

This week was a bit rough and pretty busy. As there are only about 3 weeks left until the wedding there have been more and more things to run around and take care of and with Blair being gone all week it's been kind of hard to fit in everything that he needs to be a part of. Needless to say the working out has suffered this week. 

Monday and Tuesday I did HIT in the morning as mom has decided she wants to start lifting again at night. 
Wednesday I lifted in the morning as I had a hair appointment that night. 
Thursday Aunt Flo thought it would be a good day to visit and I was so miserable I didn't workout in the morning. That night I went to the nail salon for a trial for the wedding day since I never get my nails done as they chip after the first day. 
Friday Blair had the day off so we ran around all day trying to get some errands done like the wedding license, a hair cut for him, and a bit of clothes shopping before we went to Des Moines to pick my brother up from the airport. Saturday we drove to Illinois for a wedding of a family friend. They had the perfect day for a wedding and it was very nice to catch up with everyone even though it felt like I was attending a preview of our upcoming wedding as a lot of the music and decor was exactly what we are doing. It kind of stressed me out because then I started to think well maybe we should change all of these things but at this point there just isn't the time. 
Sunday we got back home around 9pm and with all of the non-diet food I ate over the weekend I was not feeling well. I felt sluggish and really fat and maybe a little bit of that is hormones but mostly I think it was the food. This makes me really nervous for how my life will need to adapt after the intense diet is over and I go back to working and having to work around a schedule again. Hopefully I can figure it all out without going backwards.

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