Sunday, August 31, 2014

Days 118-124 Get Fit Challenge...To Maintain or Not To Maintain

Blair decided to do the same lifting workouts that I do this week to see if it is something that would work for him or not. Today was Back Day and minus a couple of exercises I think it went okay for him. Food wise he is doing well so that is good.

Today was Bicep and Tricep day for lifting. I don't think this workout went very well for Blair as a lot of the exercises put a lot of strain on his shoulders. I think we'll need to contact the trainer he was working with in New Zealand to see if he can set him up with something since he is fully aware of all of his shoulder, calf, and knee issues and I am not educated enough to come up with something that will work out better for him

No gym today as we spent the whole day meeting with our wedding vendors down where we are getting married about 2.5 hours away. While we accomplished quite a bit I think the cupcake tasting put a little bit of a dent in our diet even if we did split the cupcakes.
Tonight Blair found out he has the opportunity to earn a bit of money working with my dad so tomorrow they are off to South Dakota for the rest of the week. I feel bad that we spent all this money getting him a gym membership and additional food when he will not be here during the week to utilize either, but so is life and at this point money coming in is better than money going out especially since I cannot find a job.

Mom texted me this morning saying that she wants to incorporate lifting back into her workouts so instead of lifting this morning she wanted me to lift with her tonight so I did the HIT workout this morning. Since mom hasn't lifted in a couple of weeks I knew she would probably be sore jumping right back into it with Chest Day. 

I was on my own today for both workouts as mom had stuff to do after work and with complications at the job site Blair wasn't going to be home until 2am. It was leg day for lifting and for some reason it's really been leaving me quite sore. Needless to say there was no evening workout.

Between lack of motivation and wedding planning stress I did not make it to the gym. Instead all I did today was work on place cards and table cards. Who would have thought that this would take up the majority of my day but when you're creating all of it to save money you forget that saving money = time consuming. Tonight we all went out to dinner to celebrate mom and dad's anniversary and I did not make the best food choice when I decided to have a beer and split a dessert with Blair. Not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow as I know the lapses in my diet will reflect on the scale.

Well this morning I weighed in and I gained a pound so I am back up to 224 pounds. Blair however did really well and lost 3 pounds this week even with not really following the diet for most of the week, so at least someone had a good weigh in. It rained most of the day today which added to my lack of motivation to go to the gym, so today my day was spent tackling the dreaded seating chart. Since we decided to have the place cards already at the tables not only did I have to figure out who is sitting at each table but who everyone is sitting next to at each table. After 5 minutes into this project I completely regretted this decision but as there was no alternative I sucked it up and eventually after much swearing, restarting, and hair pulling the seating chart is done...THANK BABY JESUS!

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