Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 2 Get Fit takes me 5 minutes to sit down and stand up!

This morning I was up and feeling pretty good had my first meal then headed to the gym for my morning HIT training. I was on my own with it today so it took me a bit longer to get through everything as I had to stop to set up and tear down everything, but the workout itself went well minus me getting yet another headache after my first cycle.

Got back to the house and had my second meal and that is when the soreness settled in and it's been getting worse all day. I can feel every muscle in my lower body when I sit, stand, bend over, and even when I am lying down. Needless to say I tried to do a lot of stretching today and really focused on drinking my water to help counter the pain and hydrate my body. My brother says the pain is good because it means your body did something, but I know I did something I was there I felt it and now I just feel it ten fold everywhere else. 

Meal wise everything went down better today and I didn't feel as full so that is a win. I also made it through my gallon of water as well. I am not craving anything yet and so far I haven't really missed the coffee, which I thought was going to be a big struggle for me with the caffeine withdrawals.

Tonight's weight workout was focused on shoulders and back. The back was easy but the shoulders man I really struggled. Come to find out I have really weak shoulders especially my right one I couldn't really make it through most of the shoulder exercises without help, so we are going to focus on that moving forward. I will have stronger shoulders by the end of this!

This evening my arms and shoulders have now decided to join the soreness train Thankfully tomorrow is an off day so all I have to do is 30 minutes of cardio and drink my weight in water. Fingerscrossed I can function for Thursday's training. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 1 Get Fit Challenge....Why is there so much food?!

I have officially begun my new journey to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. So before I get into anything lets get down to brass tax and start with my beginning measurements.

Weight: 260 lbs              
Chest: 49 1/2"
Biceps: 15 1/4"
Waist: 43 3/4"
Hips: 49 1/2"
Thighs: 29 3/4"
Calves: 18 3/4"

My overall goals for the next 8 months are:
Weight: 160 lbs
Chest: 38"
Biceps: 12"
Waist: 29"
Hips: 39"
Thighs: 24"
Calves: 15"

For the next two weeks (phase 1) I am on a 3200 cal/day meal plan. This is how it breaks down:

Meal #1 eat at 7am
10 egg whites
3 servings of cream of rice
2 rice cakes
*because I am working out in the morning I am supplementing the eggs and cream of rice with an isopure shake that has a cup and a half of multigrain oats so I am not so full while I'm working out

Meal #2 eat at 10am
5 oz chicken breast
2 cups of jasmine rice
1 cup of vegetables

Meal #3 eat at 1pm
5 oz chicken breast
1.5 cups of jasmine rice
1 cup of vegetables

Meal #4 eat at 4pm
5 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of jasmine rice
10 oz of sweet potato
1 cup vegetables

Meal # 5 eat at 7pm
5 oz chicken breast
1 cup fresh vegetables
8 oz sweet potato
1 cup jasmine rice

Meal #6 eat at 10pm
10 egg whites
3 servings of multigrain oats
1 rice cake

Also within this time frame I have to drink 1 gallon of water

It's A LOT of food and combined with all the water I am drinking I am definitely not hungry EVER...well not at this point anyway. Once my metabolism kicks in about 4 weeks I should be hungry every 3 hours if not before then. Which will be great because right now I feel like I have perma-bloat.

Now the hard part....The Workout. For now I am on two a days doing a HIT program in the morning combined with 15 minutes of cardio and weight training at night with another 15 minutes of cardio.

Here is what my HIT workout consists of:

Warm up with 2 mins on a stationary bike
1 set 30 seconds of alternate heavy rope training 
1 set 1 minute each of thrusters with 10lb bar
4 sets of tire flips timed for speed (5 flips)
1 set 30 seconds of straight heavy rope training
4 sets of shuffle sprints with 20lb medicine ball throw downs (end of wall to middle of wall)
4 sets 30 seconds each of overhead medicine ball throws with an 8lb ball
1 set 15 seconds of sweep heavy rope training
4 sets 45 seconds each of box step-ups with alternate knee crunches (lowest height)
3 sets 30 seconds of planks 

Rest for 30 seconds between sets
Rest for 1 minute between cycles

I went into my first workout this morning a little worried and with the hope that I wouldn't puke or cry during it and that I would be able to complete everything that was asked of me. It went better than expected and I didn't cry, puke, or fail at anything but man it was challenging about half way through I got a massive headache which made it a bit more difficult to push through the last couple of complexes. At the end of the session my legs felt like jello and my forearms were fatigued. Cardio was a breeze and a much welcomed rest after the HIT circuit.

This afternoon's workout consisted of weights focused on leg supersets, 4 sets of 12-15 reps finished out with another 15 minutes of cardio. If I am being honest I thought that the weight workout was more fatiguing than the morning circuit, but that could be because I got another massive headache halfway through....well that and all the squats and reverse lunges. Hopefully this headache thing is not a trend because man does that really make finishing sets difficult.

So yeah first day down feeling pretty good not too sore...hopefully that continues tomorrow.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Plan

Now that I have committed to a health and fitness lifestyle I'm going to need a lot of help getting there thankfully my brother has excitedly volunteered to whip my jiggly bits into toned ones. The program he is putting me on is the same one he does for his body sculpting competitions and after seeing the results my mom had with it (a weight loss of 40 pounds and went from a size 16 to an 6 in three months) I am hopeful it will have the some of the same affect on me. 

There are two parts to this program, diet and exercise. 

The diet is based on your starting weight to figure out your calorie intake for each day and every two weeks after that you cut 200 calories from your diet. I am starting on 3200 cals/day and by the end of this I will be down to 1700 cals/day. You eat 6 meals per day every three hours and drink a gallon of water throughout the day. I will be posting the breakdown of daily calorie intake before the start of each phase.

The exercise part of the diet is being customized by my brother and after sitting down and talking with me about my goals he has come up with a high intensity training program for my morning workout mixed with cardio and weightlifting mixed with cardio for my evening workout. 

I am fortunate enough to be able to stay with him and his fiance for a month so he can train and monitor my progress before I am on my own for the rest of the program. 

So hold onto your hats because tomorrow we start, I will try not to complain too much about the inevitable soreness that will ensue during hell week. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A little introduction...

Welcome to Confessions of a Fat Girl a blog I have created to document my weight loss journey. The goal here is to catalog the next 3-8 month and perhaps beyond as I work my way towards my fitness and weight loss goals.

So here's a little about me and my struggle with weight and food. I have been fat for as long as I can remember, just the amount of fat has varied over the last 30 years. My issues with food started when I was young. We all know kids are mean and well I was the token 'fat girl' at school, so every day until about high school I was made fun of to the point where I would just come home and cry and not understand why or how my peers could be so mean, but you know who wasn't So when something went bad, or someone made fun of me food was there to comfort me and make me feel better, or so I thought.

In my adult life the thinnest I've ever been is 198 pounds and that was in 2005 and I worked out like a fiend to get there to the point that I loathed going to the gym and working out. I have yo-yoed so much since then, and now freshly back from teaching English in South Korea and with my wedding quickly approaching I have decided that something has got to give because I can't keep doing this to myself. I have great focus and motivation to transform myself by my wedding in three months and to continue with this new outlook of health and fitness from now on because what I have been doing for my whole 30 years is just not working. I think I finally came to this realization when I weighed myself when I got back Stateside and saw a number I was not prepared for....260.
That's two hundred plus another sixty pounds! Now I'm 5'7'' and yes height is a bit forgiving because I don't look as round as I am tall but let's face it, it's not that forgiving.

I am terrified, and honestly I don't know if I will actually be able to lose the amount of weight I've set my goal at, but I've spent my whole life thinking, 'someday I'm going to get thin and lose all this weight, just you wait and see.' I think I am finally at the point where I am ready to man up and make that happen and prove to myself that I CAN actually do this. It's going to take a lot of work and I'm going to have to work through a lot of issues in addition to my exercise and eating habits, but I am ready. So here we go the first step of a new life....FIGHTING!!!