Monday, April 28, 2014

The Plan

Now that I have committed to a health and fitness lifestyle I'm going to need a lot of help getting there thankfully my brother has excitedly volunteered to whip my jiggly bits into toned ones. The program he is putting me on is the same one he does for his body sculpting competitions and after seeing the results my mom had with it (a weight loss of 40 pounds and went from a size 16 to an 6 in three months) I am hopeful it will have the some of the same affect on me. 

There are two parts to this program, diet and exercise. 

The diet is based on your starting weight to figure out your calorie intake for each day and every two weeks after that you cut 200 calories from your diet. I am starting on 3200 cals/day and by the end of this I will be down to 1700 cals/day. You eat 6 meals per day every three hours and drink a gallon of water throughout the day. I will be posting the breakdown of daily calorie intake before the start of each phase.

The exercise part of the diet is being customized by my brother and after sitting down and talking with me about my goals he has come up with a high intensity training program for my morning workout mixed with cardio and weightlifting mixed with cardio for my evening workout. 

I am fortunate enough to be able to stay with him and his fiance for a month so he can train and monitor my progress before I am on my own for the rest of the program. 

So hold onto your hats because tomorrow we start, I will try not to complain too much about the inevitable soreness that will ensue during hell week. 

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