Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 1 Get Fit Challenge....Why is there so much food?!

I have officially begun my new journey to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. So before I get into anything lets get down to brass tax and start with my beginning measurements.

Weight: 260 lbs              
Chest: 49 1/2"
Biceps: 15 1/4"
Waist: 43 3/4"
Hips: 49 1/2"
Thighs: 29 3/4"
Calves: 18 3/4"

My overall goals for the next 8 months are:
Weight: 160 lbs
Chest: 38"
Biceps: 12"
Waist: 29"
Hips: 39"
Thighs: 24"
Calves: 15"

For the next two weeks (phase 1) I am on a 3200 cal/day meal plan. This is how it breaks down:

Meal #1 eat at 7am
10 egg whites
3 servings of cream of rice
2 rice cakes
*because I am working out in the morning I am supplementing the eggs and cream of rice with an isopure shake that has a cup and a half of multigrain oats so I am not so full while I'm working out

Meal #2 eat at 10am
5 oz chicken breast
2 cups of jasmine rice
1 cup of vegetables

Meal #3 eat at 1pm
5 oz chicken breast
1.5 cups of jasmine rice
1 cup of vegetables

Meal #4 eat at 4pm
5 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of jasmine rice
10 oz of sweet potato
1 cup vegetables

Meal # 5 eat at 7pm
5 oz chicken breast
1 cup fresh vegetables
8 oz sweet potato
1 cup jasmine rice

Meal #6 eat at 10pm
10 egg whites
3 servings of multigrain oats
1 rice cake

Also within this time frame I have to drink 1 gallon of water

It's A LOT of food and combined with all the water I am drinking I am definitely not hungry EVER...well not at this point anyway. Once my metabolism kicks in about 4 weeks I should be hungry every 3 hours if not before then. Which will be great because right now I feel like I have perma-bloat.

Now the hard part....The Workout. For now I am on two a days doing a HIT program in the morning combined with 15 minutes of cardio and weight training at night with another 15 minutes of cardio.

Here is what my HIT workout consists of:

Warm up with 2 mins on a stationary bike
1 set 30 seconds of alternate heavy rope training 
1 set 1 minute each of thrusters with 10lb bar
4 sets of tire flips timed for speed (5 flips)
1 set 30 seconds of straight heavy rope training
4 sets of shuffle sprints with 20lb medicine ball throw downs (end of wall to middle of wall)
4 sets 30 seconds each of overhead medicine ball throws with an 8lb ball
1 set 15 seconds of sweep heavy rope training
4 sets 45 seconds each of box step-ups with alternate knee crunches (lowest height)
3 sets 30 seconds of planks 

Rest for 30 seconds between sets
Rest for 1 minute between cycles

I went into my first workout this morning a little worried and with the hope that I wouldn't puke or cry during it and that I would be able to complete everything that was asked of me. It went better than expected and I didn't cry, puke, or fail at anything but man it was challenging about half way through I got a massive headache which made it a bit more difficult to push through the last couple of complexes. At the end of the session my legs felt like jello and my forearms were fatigued. Cardio was a breeze and a much welcomed rest after the HIT circuit.

This afternoon's workout consisted of weights focused on leg supersets, 4 sets of 12-15 reps finished out with another 15 minutes of cardio. If I am being honest I thought that the weight workout was more fatiguing than the morning circuit, but that could be because I got another massive headache halfway through....well that and all the squats and reverse lunges. Hopefully this headache thing is not a trend because man does that really make finishing sets difficult.

So yeah first day down feeling pretty good not too sore...hopefully that continues tomorrow.

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