Sunday, April 27, 2014

A little introduction...

Welcome to Confessions of a Fat Girl a blog I have created to document my weight loss journey. The goal here is to catalog the next 3-8 month and perhaps beyond as I work my way towards my fitness and weight loss goals.

So here's a little about me and my struggle with weight and food. I have been fat for as long as I can remember, just the amount of fat has varied over the last 30 years. My issues with food started when I was young. We all know kids are mean and well I was the token 'fat girl' at school, so every day until about high school I was made fun of to the point where I would just come home and cry and not understand why or how my peers could be so mean, but you know who wasn't So when something went bad, or someone made fun of me food was there to comfort me and make me feel better, or so I thought.

In my adult life the thinnest I've ever been is 198 pounds and that was in 2005 and I worked out like a fiend to get there to the point that I loathed going to the gym and working out. I have yo-yoed so much since then, and now freshly back from teaching English in South Korea and with my wedding quickly approaching I have decided that something has got to give because I can't keep doing this to myself. I have great focus and motivation to transform myself by my wedding in three months and to continue with this new outlook of health and fitness from now on because what I have been doing for my whole 30 years is just not working. I think I finally came to this realization when I weighed myself when I got back Stateside and saw a number I was not prepared for....260.
That's two hundred plus another sixty pounds! Now I'm 5'7'' and yes height is a bit forgiving because I don't look as round as I am tall but let's face it, it's not that forgiving.

I am terrified, and honestly I don't know if I will actually be able to lose the amount of weight I've set my goal at, but I've spent my whole life thinking, 'someday I'm going to get thin and lose all this weight, just you wait and see.' I think I am finally at the point where I am ready to man up and make that happen and prove to myself that I CAN actually do this. It's going to take a lot of work and I'm going to have to work through a lot of issues in addition to my exercise and eating habits, but I am ready. So here we go the first step of a new life....FIGHTING!!!

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