Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 105 Get Fit Challenge...the paddle boat is not good for the knees

So I tried the at home HIT workout this morning and it went pretty well. Cardio this morning was taking Max for a walk around the lake which was quite nice as there was a great breeze and a bit cooler this morning. 

This evening we decided that if we used the paddle boat we'd get a leg workout and cardio in at the same time. We went all the way around the lake which wasn't too bad other than the fact that the peddles in the boat were way too close which put way too much pressure on my knees than I liked and we had to stop a couple of times so I could stretch my legs because they were cramping up. I'm pretty sure that I will need to take some pain meds tomorrow to help cope with that, but we'll see how things go.

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