Sunday, August 10, 2014

Days 100-103 Get Fit Challenge...All the Drama

The past 4 days have been a little insane and a lot stressful. My grandpa was rushed into the ER Thursday so we drove to Illinois to the hospital to find out what was happening as we were all very worried about him. Come to find out that he had a strangulated hernia and was scheduled for surgery that evening. Long story short everything went well and he was released from the hospital last night...thank God.

This morning I stepped on the scale expecting to have gained at least another 2 pounds, and instead I ended up losing 6 pounds this week...WTF!!!! How in the world did this happen? I only worked out at the gym twice this week? Maybe it was all of the hospital chicken salads I ate? Either way I am happy about the loss.

The gym will be closed until Thursday so I need to get a little creative with my workouts this week. Most of the day today was spent doing yard work and stacking firewood so I am totally counting that for my cardio and lifting because it is 8:30pm and I am exhausted.

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