Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 106 Get Fit Challenge...ready to get back to the gym

So I've decided that I am not the workout at home know unless my home happened to have an awesome in home gym which sadly it doesn't, but it's something to put on the dream home bucket list. 

I thought since it was so nice out today that I would do the at home HIT workout I found outside on the back deck. Yeah that went ok but since there is no carpet really anywhere inside the house because it's still under construction there really wasn't any other option. It was also pretty interesting to have the dog as my supervisor for my workout. Though he got really excited when he found out the cardio portion of my workout involved taking him for a walk around the lake. 

I guess if I wasn't able to workout at the gym this would be an ok solution though I think I'd have to ramp up the cardio portion as I don't burn nearly enough by walking around the lake regardless of all the hills compared to what I burn on the stepper, elliptical, and rower. I'd also have to figure something out to substitute for weightlifting, but it might not be a bad way to break up the monotony of the gym. 

Until then...Bring on the gym again!

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