Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 112-117 Get Fit Challenge...New Workout Buddy


Blair finally flew in today. Since his flight didn't come in till 10:40pm I had to make sure I got through the HIT workout pretty quick so I was able to get to the airport on time. I thought the HIT workout was difficult before but completing the whole thing in under an hour HOLY COW talk about taking it out of you. I did however have to skip on the cardio part of the workout so I could pick Blair up on time.


After such a late night on Wednesday Blair and I skipped the gym this morning. Blair has decided to jump on the Get Fit Challenge to try to lose some weight in the month we have left before the wedding. I am not quite sure if he'll be able to do the majority of the workouts because of his shoulder and knee problems. He did try the HIT workout tonight but wasn't able to complete a lot of the exercises because they put too much strain on his shoulder. I am not sure if he will try to substitute the ones he cannot do or just do something completely different instead. 


Today was leg day for me this morning for lifting. Blair came with me this morning but he did his own thing as he wasn't sure how well his knees would do with the leg workout. The leg workout definitely kicked my ass today and I felt the soreness settle in later that night. I had my first wedding dress alteration fitting this afternoon so we didn't make it to the gym as we ran a couple of errands after. 


Today was spent running around doing wedding stuff and making a Costco run to get Blair set up with food as he is starting the diet portion of the Get Fit Challenge on Monday. We prepped all of the food and managed to figure out the puzzle that has become the refrigerator to fit everyone's food in.


Blair and I are both ridiculously sore from our workouts on Friday as that two day delay has fully set in today. We decided to take Max for a walk around the lake to help stretch things out and get some cardio in. Monday Blair starts full force with the challenge and I hope it works out for him as I know how difficult the first couple of weeks can be without the added challenge of shoulder and knee problems.

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