Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 99 Get Fit Challenge...rain rain go away

It's been raining here all week and I am feeling a bit waterlogged today. All of the gloomy weather also makes me just want to curl up and nap all day which is awful for motivating myself to go to the gym. However I did get to the gym this morning for lifting and cardio. Chest day was hard today and I felt pretty tired afterwards. Cardio wise I upped the intensity on the stepper from 15 to 18 and upped the ramp on the elliptical machine from 7 to 8 it's just too bad I can't up the intensity on the elliptical as I already have it at it's max.

Right before our HIT workout tonight my stomach got really upset and I was pretty nauseous. This of course made the workout interesting at certain points when I thought I was going to puke but luckily I kept everything inside my body and got through it. 

As I am honing in on 100 days of this diet I am reevaluating my weight loss goals for the rest of the year and hopefully I will come up with something for tomorrow's post.

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