Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Days 93-98 Get Fit Challenge...bachelorette weekend and hospitals

I tried to be good during my bachelorette weekend in Charleston but it didn't work out so well and the scale shows my failure as I gained 2 pounds. I started out food wise pretty well with dinner on Friday being grilled yellowtail on top of an eggplant ratatouille with grilled asparagus however the 3 ciders I had back on the yacht probably cancelled that out real fast.  
Breakfast the next day was low fat greek yogurt which broke the no dairy rule, but lunch was a homemade chicken salad chocked full of some great veggies and topped with a bit of salsa but then the vodka tonic and one can of beer along with the strawberries and watermelon threw that right out the window. Dinner wasn't anywhere near healthy as it started out with two beers and consisted of fried green tomatoes, grits and shrimp, buffalo shrimp, grilled caribbean jerk mahi, fried okra and hush puppies. All of it was unbelievably good but I haven't felt that full/miserable in about four months and really could have used a good two hour walk instead of the 20 minute one we had instead. 
Still feeling pretty full from the night before we set out to walk around as much as we could before we flew out which ended up being about 3 hours however my brunch late that afternoon before boarding my first flight was a bloody mary, a  fried green tomato topped with a crab cake and poached egg, about a half cup of home fries and one of the best buttermilk biscuits I have had since we were in Georgia. Although we did have a pretty good walk back to the car I still felt bad about not choosing something more healthy especially after the dinner I had the night before. 

Monday I was back on track food wise however I didn't get to the gym because while we were away my dad had a minor accident with the log splitter and I had to drive him up to Des Moines so he could see a hand surgeon. By the time we got back home it was 2pm and I was so exhausted from getting in so late the night before and getting up so early I couldn't muster up enough energy to get to the gym that night. Also I found out that my grandfather was taken to the ER and ended up having a pretty bad hernia that dropped out of a pocket on his right side pretty close to his intestines and THEY RELEASED HIM FROM THE ER WTF PEOPLE!!! Between all of that I just wasn't in the right state of mind to get to the gym.

Today I had to get up and be out the door by 6am to drive my dad back to Des Moines to have hand surgery. Everything went really well and he should be fine in a couple of weeks so that was good news. However we didn't get back home till about 3:30pm so I couldn't get my morning workout in. Meanwhile my grandpa threw up black blood this morning so he was taken back to the ER where they basically said they couldn't find anything that was bleeding AND SENT HIM HOME AGAIN!!! He as an appointment with a gastronomist tomorrow afternoon as they think he might have a stomach ulcer and then he has an appointment on Thursday with the surgeon for his hernia. Now maybe it's just me because he is my grandpa but I think it's pretty crazy that an 80 year old man came into the ER because he was throwing up black blood and was there yesterday where you found a hernia that will need to be operated on and you don't think that it's necessary to keep him there to monitor him just in case IDK something goes wrong. 

Mom and I ended up going to the gym tonight to get our minds off of everything that has been going on this week. It's funny how you can not do your gym workout for 5 days and it feels like it's been weeks needless to say I think my lifting tomorrow is going to be a struggle. Oh and also the gym is going to be closed this Sunday through next Wednesday for maintenance so I'm going to have to figure out alternative things to do here instead for my lifting and HIT workouts for those 4 days. Oh and I only have 3 more weeks until my wedding dress fitting so much for losing 15 pounds this month I'll be lucky if I get 10.

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