Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 63 Get Fit Challenge...wth is up with all these storms?

Today I was going to try to go to the gym to do my morning HIT workout and cardio but my ribs were really throbbing this morning so I thought it would be bad to workout and aggravate it more so I took Max for a walk around the lake this instead. I'm glad I took him this morning because we had major storm systems come through the rest of the day that included tornado warnings, torrential downpours and hail. Needless to say we didn't get to the gym tonight because of all the warnings and crazy weather. However tomorrow I am definitely going to the gym in the morning as I need to get back on track like 4 days ago. If things go well then I am hoping to get weightlifting and cardio in tomorrow night as well and worse case scenario at least another bout of cardio.

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