Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 84 Get Fit Challenge...I haven't been this sore since my first week

It's safe to say that the combination of the new lifting workout and the new HIT workout definitely took its tole on my body today. I knew the moment my alarm went off this morning and I tried to get out of bed but nothing happend I was in for a rough day. After my morning shake I sat in the hot tub to try to loosen up my leg muscles so I could maybe attempt going to the gym for morning lifting but about 20 minutes in it was so humid outside I felt like I was cooking in a big pot so that didn't work out so well. 

Two Aleve later and a lot of huffing and puffing I mustered up enough energy to get myself into the car to drive into town to get some fish and veggies. You know there is a reason people in the Midwest don't eat a lot of seafood and it's because it's EXPENSIVE. I don't even want to tell you how much I spent on what will hopefully be two weeks worth of seafood. This switch in the diet better pan out because for someone who is just living off her savings until she can find a job (don't even get me started on the job hunt situation) I need to make sure I am being as thrifty as I can. 

Tonight I did end up going to the gym to get the HIT workout and hour of cardio in. Second day leg soreness plus new HIT workout equals jelly legs all the way through the workout. By the time I was done with my hour of cardio I was hobbling around like a 90 year old ex-football player. Needless to say after I got home and ate I jumped into the hot tub to help alleviate some of the stiffness. The goal is to get to the gym tomorrow morning to do my new chest workout so hopefully the legs will cooperate  a little bit better.

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