Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 73-75 Get Fit Challenge...hormonies, an off day, and a sunny weekend

So it's Friday, it's also an off day thank goodness because Aunt Flo decided to show up today and girls you know how the first day is so I was thankful I didn't have to muster all that energy to do a HIT workout, weightlifting, and cardio.

Saturday mom and I were going to go to the gym to do our HIT workout, but with everything that we had going on that day with driving to Waterloo to do a bunch of shopping for wedding stuff, bachelorette party stuff, and some other errands we weren't able to fit it in. However we did get cardio in in addition to walking around all day so it wasn't a complete wash. Plus we got a lot done with all the shopping and running around so that was a win.

Sunday we went to the gym and got the HIT workout and an hour of cardio in. When we got home we ate and then sat out on the deck to get some sun since it was so nice. Later we took the pontoon out and had a little boat ride around the lake and hung out with our neighbor for a bit. Not a bad way to wrap up the weekend. 

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