Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 70 Get Fit Challenge...I am not a pro athlete

Today I tried to invoke my brother's new method of 'if you are sitting on the couch you should be walking on the treadmill instead." Let's just say I don't think it's going to happen. 

It takes me about 30 minutes to get to the gym in the morning I usually arrive by 9:45am and leave around noon then drive 30 minutes back home. Ok so now it's about 12:30 by the time I make food and eat it's about 12:50. At this point I sit on the couch and let my food digest. At about 1:30 I took the dog for an hour long walk which put me back at the house around 2:40pm. Next round of food was soon so I relaxed for a bit, switched out the laundry, worked on some wedding stuff before I ate again around 3:45pm. Now according to my brother I should be walking again around 4:15 for an hour or so. 

My mom usually gets home around 5:15 then we head out for the gym around 6pm. So let's think about this if I workout until 5:15 that gives me about an hour and fifteen minutes until I then have to hard core workout again for two hours. This does not make sense to me as there is not enough recovery time in between workouts so I decided not to do the third round of cardio before going to the gym for a fourth round in addition to lifting weights. Call me a slacker but I think 3 cardio sessions in addition to a HIT workout and weightlifing should be sufficant...right? I mean who legitimately can workout for 6-8 hours a day? Not me.


  1. It doesn't have to be an hour of cardio or something intense. The idea was to encourage activity. If you're sitting for an hour get up and move for 10-15 minutes. This can be walking outside or jumping rope or squats or something just avoid napping and allowing your body to go into hibernation mode and store fats. If you continue to do the same cardio your body will adjust. Mind fuck your body! And quit paying so much attention to the scale. The scale means nothing. It's about the inches more than anything and after it's over your accomplishment. But some of your posts I find myself unconvinced this is really what you want. Sure it's difficult, yes you bust your ass, but this is your journey to a healthier and happier life. No this is not what you have to do forever. It's a lifestyle change. You know to eat healthier most of the time but it's okay to treat yourself now and again and yes exercise will need to be a part of your life, but not at your current intensity. I'm sorry this journey hasn't produced snap of the finger results but I did watch you develop determination while we trained and at times you seemed to be having fun. Not the ideal fun, but you know. I don't care what the scales say Alushia. I care about your health. Slow journey, but better this way than the opposite.

    1. At this point I just don't feel like I am doing enough and what I have done is not living up to expectations of what I should be doing. I am also very afraid of being able to maintain the losses. Since my body has so many issues I am scared that if I stop what I am doing now everything will revert to the way it was plus more. I just feel a lot of pressure from a lot of people to become this skinny person and I am not getting there as fast as people thought I would. With the wedding in two months there is that added pressure to be this perfect skinny bride that no one will recognize and it's just a lot, so it's become all about that and not about anything else at this point except to reach the goal and not fail.

    2. I understand, but remember this isn't about those other people. It's about YOU! And if you are comfortable and confident with yourself then so be it and screw everyone else. Also, consider seeing a doc about your weight. You are doing a lot of work with few results. If you end up at a plateau in weight it would be an option to see if they can offer any advice.
