Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 79 Get Fit Challenge...closing in on 12 weeks

I am 5 days short of 12 weeks of being on this program. Originally one is only supposed to do this program for 12 weeks however, I am still miles away from my goal so it has been extended. At this point and taking into consideration I am taking September off from the program we are looking at this program lasting at least 19 more weeks or until the end of the year (basically 4 more months). Crap that's like 7 months of this program of two-a-days and no carbs and chicken all the freakin chicken!!!

As I look back at what I have accomplished so far it feels pretty good. Still as I reflect it is hard to not compare myself with others that have done this program before me and accomplished so much more. I am not seeing the transformation like they had, especially when I look at my mom's results.

At this point I really thought I would be a lot thinner. I have not kept up with goals that I had set for myself, which is disappointing to say the least. I have 45 days left until it gets to the point where I have to put a hold on losing weight because of the wedding. That is basically 5 weeks which is not enough time to be where I wanted loss wise. Even if I lost 3 pounds a week for the next 5 weeks that will only put me at 215 pounds (given that I lose 3 pounds this week). Granted that would be 45 pounds in 17 weeks, which when you stop and think about it is such a feat, but I was really hoping for more around the 60 pound mark at that point. 

With the wedding quickly approaching there is a lot of pressure to be this new thin person that is revealed and well that is not going to happen which feels like a major failure. I did not want to be a fat bride and that was a major driving factor in this endeavour, but sadly I will still be a fat bride which makes me really sad and angry. Hopefully this will only fuel me for the next 5 weeks and maybe by some miracle I can lose 5 pounds a week for the next 5 weeks and get a little closer to being at my target weight for the wedding. We shall see hopefully things don't back fire.

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