Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 78 Get Fit Challenge...I don't want to talk to you

I don't know about you guys but I am not a social person at the gym. I like to get in do what I need to do and then get out. I don't like to strike up conversations with random people I don't know and ask them a million questions while they are in the middle of their set just for the sake of talking. I however am not a stone cold bitch and will indulge people with a polite hello, nod, or smile if the need calls for it but that is about the extent of my social skills. 

This morning however proved to be one of those days where people just needed to talk to me. It started when I came up the stairs to my now very crowded hallway to set all my equipment up for my HIT workout. Lately there have been two older women who do some kind of high intensity training with a deck of cards and while they are very chatty with each other they have never been so with me...until today. I was on my last cycle recovering so I could finish my last set of box step ups when they decided to strike up a conversation with me. They asked what kind of workout I was doing, how long I had been doing it for, why I was doing it, what kind of diet I was on, and on and on. Not wanting to be rude I answered their questions each time praying that it would be the last so I could finish and move on to cardio and then get out of there. However I was quite annoyed that they interrupted me during the middle of my workout. I mean that is gym etiquette 101. After what seemed like forever they were finally satisfied and I was able to finish out my workout. Hopefully if they are there tomorrow our conversation will be more hey hows it going than a round of 20 questions. 

Tonight was chest for weightlifting and we ended up increasing the weights on two of the exercises in our superset as well as one of the other exercises and let me tell you I definitely felt the difference especially in the fourth sets. It did feel good though to be able to increase the weight. 

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