Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 81 Get Fit Challenge...Don't be that guy

So I have a confession... in the 80 days that I have been workout out I have become sort of a gym snob. Today there was a swim meet at the gym because it holds the only olympic sized pool in the area so there were lots of extra people all over the show and the whole place smelled of nachos and hot dogs which is awful when 1. you aren't allowed to eat those things and 2. you're trying to do a grueling two hour workout. 

Any way because the swim meet was going on all day some of the people attending decided to work out while they were waiting which is totally fine and I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is when you visit the gym that I work out at six times a week twice a day and work out in jean shorts and flip flops and create a mess in the workout areas and not pick it up. Or turn the fan that was pointed in my direction without asking me to the other side of the cardio machines when there is an additional fan located on your side. Then have the nerve to give me the stank eye when I asked if you could use the other fan located closer to you and turn the one located by me back. After making several huffing and puffing sounds when you switched the fans you then only work out on said cardio machines for a total of 15 minutes while I still had an additional 50 minutes left in my cardio workout...SERIOUSLY if anyone deserves the stank eye it would be you.

In other news tomorrow is weigh in, measurements, and photo day. I need to weigh in with at least a 3 pound loss tomorrow in addition to a good 7 inch loss. I only have 5 weeks left until I have to put a hold on the program for the wedding and I really would like to lose another 15-20 pounds by then. 

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