Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 69 Get Fit Challenge...getting old is not fun

Today I skipped my morning workout to drive my dad to Des Moines so he could get a shot of cortisone put in his spine so hopefully he can get some relief until his back surgery this winter. This got me really thinking out important it is to take care of myself as your body can only take so much abuse before it gives out, and I definitely haven't been helping it out much.

Tonight at the gym was biceps and triceps for weightlifting and I struggled through the  last two sets of the preacher curls but I did improve with the dips so that is a win. I did 50 minutes on the stair stepper tonight and during the last 15 minutes my left knee really started bothering me I may have to start halving my time between the stepper and the elliptical to remedy it. 

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