Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 65 Get Fit muscles thank you hot tub

My knees hurt today like oh my god I am so old and I think when I finally am able to stand up they will just explode from my body kind of hurt. This of course made the morning HIT workout and cardio a little more challenging than normal especially the isolated shuffles and box step ups. Doing the step machine for 50 minutes took a tole on my knees too but I am still a little nervous about jumping back on the row machine just yet.

Tonight was chest day for lifting which was ok. I think I might need to ramp up the weight next week especially for the superset that we start off with. Did the elliptical machine tonight for my 50 minutes of cardio. 

After my evening meal I sat in the hot tub for about 45 minutes which was great. It was pretty cool today and with the sore muscles it was great just to be in there and stare up at all of the stars and relax. 

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