Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 68 Get Fit Challenge...2 week weigh in and measurements

Today is Sunday and you know what that means...weigh in time. I wasn't expecting much since I was out last week with a rib injury. When I stepped on the scale this morning I was 4 pounds lighter and 2 inches smaller. Not horrible but not great I really need it to be between 6-10 pounds but a loss is better than a gain. 

After talking to my brother today after weighing in he said I should incorporate more cardio into my day, because you know an hour and forty minutes is not enough. So now whenever I am sitting around on the couch or watching TV or basically whenever I am not working out at the gym I should instead be on the treadmill walking on an incline. I think my cardio just went from an hour and forty a day to 5 hours a day...that can't be right...right? I'm going to start by adding in an extra 2 hours on top of what I do at the gym twice a day and see where that gets me because no one should have to workout for 9 hours a day.

Tomorrow morning I have to drive my dad to Des Moines so he can go to a specialist for his back and it's like some 2-3 hour thing so I am thinking I will not get my morning workout in so I'll definitely need to do 3 hours of walking on the treadmill when I get back to make up for things before I head to the gym tomorrow night for weightlifting and more cardio.

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