Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 83 Get Fit Challenge...taking it up some knotches

So in the final push before the wedding I called my brother for some advice about how I could ramp up things to help me lose at least another 15 pounds in 5 weeks. It's always good to challenge yourself and switch things up so your body doesn't get use to a routine and hit a plateau regardless of the soreness that will ultimately ensue. However after working out today I think I might regret that decision for this first week. 

My diet has been changed for the next 5 weeks. Instead of chicken I will be eating lean seafood like tilapia, mahi mahi, tuna, cod, and shrimp (hopefully if I can find them). Veggie wise I am eating mostly green vegetables like broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, spinach, celery, you get the idea. Also no more egg whites...woohoo! Instead I will be doing a half serving of my morning protein shake as well as a couple of celery sticks for my last meal of the day

Workout wise my workouts are being flip flopped and I am weightlifting in the mornings and doing my HIT workout at night. I'm maxed out for my cardio at an hour each session so that will not change, but the weight training and HIT have been amped up. Weight lifting wise I am adding in drop sets to every other exercise and trying to really push myself to increase my weight every week. For HIT the times of the majority of the exercises has been increased by 15 seconds and weight as been added to a few of the exercises while the exercises that did include weight has been slightly increased. Needless to say the intensity of the whole workout has been ramped up to about level 50.

Weightlifting this morning was good though it is weird not having a lifting partner. The drop sets totally kicked my ass and by the end of my leg workout I didn't know if I was going to make it through the hour of cardio I still had left to do. After I got home and ate I immediately jumped in the hot tub in hopes of  cutting down some of the soreness that will follow in the next two days. 

This evening's HIT workout killed me. I was completely exhausted by the middle of my second cycle. Not to mention that I went through two towels and my whole shirt was soaked by the end of it. Also note to self it is a very bad idea to switch up a leg weight day and then follow it with a switched up HIT workout...all the pain! I was so fatigued by the end of the HIT workout I could only muster up enough energy to do a half hour of cardio because I couldn't feel my legs. 

Hopefully tomorrow goes a little bit better as it's chest day and hopefully the legs won't hurt as much and I can get through all my cardio.

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