Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 87 Get Fit Challenge...A sort of off day

My schedule has been pretty messed up this week so I am not really due for an off day but I have extended family in this weekend and wanted to be able to visit with them so I went to the gym this morning to get my lifting and cardio in as I knew I wouldn't be working out this evening. 

The new bicep and tricep workout was pretty killer and my arms felt like jelly quite a few times throughout the workout. The new superset at the end of the workout completely kicked my ass. You start out doing a close grip incline push up to fail off of the smith machine then automatically move into a 90 degree bicep curl hold to fail with 10 pounds on either side of the bar. You keep switching back and forth until you physically cannot get another set in. I made it to 4 sets before my arms just shook so much I couldn't do anything else. 

I am hoping to get my cardio in tomorrow but we have a pretty busy day planned running around doing wedding stuff but if we get back at a decent hour I could walk the dog around the lake at least. 

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