Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 85 Get Fit Challenge...getting back to normal

So my body was feeling less like it was being stabbed repeatedly by knives so I was able to go to the gym this morning. Adding the drop sets into chest day was as equally challenging as it was for leg day, but thankfully cardio went a lot better so that was nice. I did find that after the drop sets it was really difficult to reach my weight goals with the next exercise. This was a little bit discouraging as I've worked so hard to be able to lift the weight that I am at, but I think that after a couple of weeks I should adjust and hopefully be able to get back to that level again.

Tonight there was no HIT workout as 1. we had to go shopping for food and 2. I didn't want to push myself too much again and not be able to move tomorrow. I am hoping tomorrow to be able to get both workouts in and hopefully not feel like dying on Friday.

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