Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 86 Get Fit Challenge...incline push ups are my new nemesis

This morning was back day for lifting. It went pretty well with the new changes to everything and the bonus was that I didn't really feel too sore afterwards. 

The new fish diet is going ok. I really like cooking up the shrimp with a bit of this organic salsa that I found and then putting it over the cucumber, tomato, and onion salad. I don't mind the fillets of mahi mahi either. I just season them up a bit pop them in the oven and put them with some veggies. I am really excited to try cooking up these fresh brussel sprouts that I found and I think I found a pretty good recipe for them. 

Tonight's HIT workout went better but the only thing that I really keep struggling with are the new modified close grip incline push ups. It's something about being at a lower angle that really makes me struggle to reach 15 in the 30 seconds allotted. I did a lot better with the planks to fail as well tonight with both sets failing out at 2:30. However I cannot do them on the bosu ball like I'm supposed to as it really hurts my lower back so for now I am going to try to work up to that and keep trucking along. 

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