Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 67 Get Fit Challenge...rain rain go away

Today was grey and rainy all day which was fitting because it matched my mood completely. Lack of motivation won and all I did today was walk Max around the lake in between downpours. That should make my weigh in tomorrow less than fantastic. 

The only productive thing I did do today was prepare all my food for the next week-ish. I tweaked the pepper slaw salad by adding in some new veggies, did a peppercorn and citrus flavored (sans the juice required for it) marinades for the chicken, and I made a black raspberry cobbler for dad out of the fresh berries I picked yesterday (dear lord it smelled and looked fantastic). 

Other than that I attempted to work on wedding stuff which really didn't work out that well and I ended up undoing most of the work I did. Definitely looking forward to this day being over. 

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