Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 28 Get Fit Challenge...Happy Memorial Day

With the holiday today the gym was only open until noon so we figured it would be pretty dead what with people taking advantage of having a Monday off or recuperating from Sunday funday. Clearly we were wrong. Everyone and their mother was at the gym today. I didn't even know that many people belonged to the gym it was complete madness and so crowded that was really hard to get anything done. I did manage to get through my whole HIT workout and only had to modify the tire flips. During my cardio workout on the elliptical I kept getting shooting pains that ran from my lower back down the back of my right leg and then from the front of my right leg to my knee. I am guessing this is from leg day yesterday as I was pretty sore last night after I finished it. 

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. I prepped food for the week and enjoyed only having only one workout today. Happy Memorial Day to me indeed. 

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