Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 30 Get Fit month down

They say you can form a new habit after 21 days...well it's been 30 so let's hope this one sticks. I haven't started hating the gym or finding excuses not to go so that has to be a good sign right? The food habit well that's another story. I think I need to start changing it up as the monotony of the food I'm eating has got me craving all the bad things from Mexican to ice cream and those kinds of things are on the no eat list until well at this point probably next year (major sad face).

With my month rapidly coming to an end here in Kansas City I'm looking forward to a change in venue and in workouts. While I do enjoy my HIT workout (well as much as I can) I'm curious to see what my brother will come up with for me to do in Iowa as the gym there does not have all the fun unconventional equipment like they do here. I am sure it will be something equally as awful as that tends to be his forte. Also it looks like I will have to juggle working out twice a day and eating every three hours with some odds and ends jobs for a family friend. It will be interesting to see how this lifestyle will work into having a job and how I will cope. 

In current workout news, today was bicep and tricep day for lifting and I saw improvement in my pull ups and my tricep dips. I got to 12 on my first pull up set followed by 3 more sets of 8. My first tricep dip set I knocked out 15, but then puttered out on the second only completing 7. However I did made up for it in my next two sets knocking out 10 each. Preacher curls and I are still not at bff level as I am still struggling to get to 15 reps during my 3rd and 4th sets and need to have assistance at about 8-10 reps. Cardio wise I'm noticing that my knees are starting to hurt during my 35 minutes. I think I might have to start taking a supplement for joints...damn it sucks getting older and being out of shape. 

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