Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 6 Get Fit Challenge...oh how I hate you lunges

Today was a lot better than yesterday, probably because it wasn't an upper body day that and I got to sleep in for a change. This however messed up the all the meals for today as I ended up missing 3.

Morning workout went well I shaved more time off those damn tire flips and am at 1:09. Planks are going a bit better as well is most of the HIT workout. Believe me it's still hard and it kicks my ass but now it feels kind of good when I finish instead of oh my god I just want to die. Rope work was hard today as my arms, shoulders, and chest were all very sore today thanks to last nights weights. 

Evening weightlifting was focused on legs and butt. Let me tell you supersetting squats with lunges sucks and then following it up with incline leg press and buddha squats yeah my ass hurts hopefully it will all be worth it as those bad boys are going to lift and create an ass for me.

Tomorrow is an off day so just cardio on the docket and there are rumors of timed hill sprints as well...lord help me and my sore ass and legs get up that hill. 

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