Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 35 Get Fit Challenge...adjusting to a new gym

I signed up at a new gym today here in Iowa. I was a member there before about 6 years ago so a lot of the layout came back to me pretty quickly. Typically I find that the Y has a bad rep with over priced memberships and shady out of date equipment, but the YMCA here is definitely not that. With membership at $46 per month it's quite a good deal for all that you get. 

That being said it's still an adjustment especially with the workouts that I am doing. I've had to modify my HIT workout as they do not have the same equipment as Impact Fitness does, so instead of heavy rope work I am doing hand tests. In exchange for the tire flips I get to heave a giant 25 pound medicine ball in the air and instead of the sledge hammer I am back to overhead medicine ball throws. 

Since it is the Y a lot of their equipment is machine based though they do have a whole room of FreeMotion equipment. What is lacking though is their weight lifting equipment. I find that a lot of it is dated and needs to be replaced add the very tight space for said equipment and it makes lifting interesting especially with more than 4 people in the area. Needless to say I am excited for my brother to come in the weekend and sort out a new weight lifting workout for me based around the equipment I have access to now. 

Food wise I am trying to branch out a bit and give myself more options so I don't get so bored with eating the same things over and over. This week I've been able to add in lettuce wraps because I found butter lettuce at the Costco and let me tell you I've been pretty excited about them.

I've also found a can tuna that meets all the requirements for my protein needs so that has been a nice break from all chicken. With summer almost in full swing I've been researching some great cold veggie dishes that are light but filling. I've come up with a couple that I am curious to try out. 

Other than that I've been trucking along with my HIT workout in the morning followed by 40 minutes cardio and weight lifting and another 40 minute cardio session at night. This afternoon I took our dog Max for a 3 mile walk around the lake which was nice but I found it made me really tired for the evening workout so I might need to do it a bit earlier in the day so I have enough time to recover before my next workout. 

Tomorrow is biceps and triceps and as I was looking around the weight room tonight I think this one might be difficult to duplicate, but hopefully I'll find some good substitutes for things they are lacking.

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