Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 45 Get Fit Challenge...Off Day

I love off days but they are so uneventful for a blog post as all I do is cardio and there is really nothing to report. 

For cardio today I walked Max around the lake once in the morning and again tonight. It's nice walking around the lake in the mornings. It's quiet as all of the people who fish or come to the "beach" haven't made it out yet. It's also usually cooler and there is always a good breeze that carries the fresh cut grass and scent of flowers through the air. It is a good time just to zone out and enjoy being outside and not worry about the wedding, or the diet, or finding a job, or all the other things that I worry about all day every day. 

I was really tired today and ended up taking a 3 hour nap this afternoon. Aunt Flo is coming to visit soon which could be the explanation for the tiredness and general feeling of bla today. With her arrival that will probably mean this Sunday when I weigh in I'll probably not see any loss and possibly a gain because of the wonderful hormones she brings with her, so I am not looking forward to that. 

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