Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 47 Get Fit Challenge...damn you mother nature

Ok ladies I think that any woman who works out on the first day of their flo deserves a medal. Let's face it the only thing you really want to do then is stay in your comfy pajamas curled up on the couch watching sappy chick flicks and eating a tub of icecream...right? Well apparently that doesn't fly on the fit challenge. Oh and you think cravings on a no carb diet is bad yeah wait till those hormones kick in...this is going to be a week of hell.

What did I do today? HIT workout and cardio...twice! I swear with every squat and core engagement that I did today my ovaries were screaming out, "WHAT THE HELL LADY! DIDN'T YOU GET THE MEMO? WE ARE OUT OF BUSINESS TODAY." The only thing that kind of made up for my two hours of torture this morning was that my mom treated me to a spa pedicure for all the hard work I've been doing, which was awesome...Thanks Ma!

On top of all of this I have a weigh in tomorrow and a wedding dress fitting. Talk about worst timing ever. Pray for me and those around me tomorrow it's going to be a doozy. 

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