Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 53 Get Fit Challenge...TGIF

It's Friday and the weekend is upon us which you think wouldn't matter to me as I'm not working at the moment so every day is like a weekend to me but I still do look forward to the weekends for some reason. Maybe it's because my parents are home and I have more of a "normal" schedule. 

The HIT workout this morning was ok. The back of my legs were sore this morning so the leg work for the HIT workout was more difficult than normal. You would think after three days that my leg soreness would be done but I think that upping the incline up on the elliptical and increasing the intensity on the stair stepper is doing a number on the legs this week. 

Because it is Friday the gym closed at 7pm. By the time that mom got home, changed, and we drove into town to get to the gym we only had an hour before it closed so we were only able to get our back weight workout in. Because we were in and out so quickly we took Max for a walk around the lake to get our cardio in when we got home. 

Tomorrow is Costco run day as I am out of chicken and need to stock up on veggies and eggs again. Hopefully we can get up and going to the gym at a decent hour in the morning to get the HIT workout in then up to Des Moines and back and still have time to get the weight workout in before the gym closes at 7pm.

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