Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 56 Get Fit Challenge...I can't put my arms down

Ever noticed that when the weather is meh outside it's really hard to get motivated to do anything let alone go to the gym at 8:30 in the morning? That was this morning for me. With all of these storm systems that have been rolling through the Midwest these past couple of weeks it has been making it really challenging to get the energy to go to the gym for my morning HIT workout and cardio. Once I'm there it usually takes me about halfway through my first HIT cycle before my body starts to wake up and get going. 

Tonight was biceps and triceps for the weight workout. I don't know what it is about working those muscles out but whenever I do I always feel like they are so puffed out that my arms don't go all the way down and I'm walking around like a gorilla.

Also I don't know what it is about the gym but for some reason they always have the Food network on in front of the cardio machines and tonight it was all about fried foods. Deep fried mash potato balls stuffed with ground beef, deep fried cheese balls that had 5 different kind of cheese in them, a PB&J sandwich that was dipped in french toast batter dredged in frosted flakes and pan fried in a cup of butter...A CUP OF BUTTER! You're killing me over here. I've never had my mouth water so much during a cardio session. And it's not like you can change the channel because they are all preset and my only other options for the other preset TVs were Fox News (hard pass on that) or some show about people that kill alligators for a living. Needless to say I was good and hungry when I got home. Granted it wasn't for the chicken and veggies but hungry none the less. 

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