Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 61 Get Fit Challenge...Officially on the Injured List

Well I did not sleep well at all last night as I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, but it seemed like no matter how I positioned myself my rib cage still throbbed. 

This morning when my mom was talking to my brother she mentioned my injury to him and now I am in a body wrap to help support my midsection and I am only allowed to do low key cardio for the weekend possibly longer until it heals. 

My diet has been changed as well to help compensate for my lack of exercise. So until I am able to get back to normal I eat my normal meals for the first, third, and fifth meals but the second and fourth are now snacks made up of really low fat low carb yogurt with either a banana or some pineapple. 

I have to say I am very nervous about gaining back the weight I've already lost because I still have so much to lose and not very much time to do it in. Hopefully this injury heals quickly so I can get back on task. 

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