Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 41 Get Fit HIT workout

It's Sunday which means it's weigh in day. Got on the scale this morning and lost another 4 pounds which means I am not failing here on my own in Iowa woohoo!

This morning my brother went to the gym with me to rework my HIT workout, and of course in true fashion he upped it a couple more levels.

This is now my new HIT workout:

Wall Sits holding 10lb medicine ball over head 2 sets at 30 secs
Parallel Ninja Stick 1 set at 30 secs each side (we are not quite sure what this one is called but it uses a weighted bar that is tied on one end with an exercise band)
Giant 25 pound medicine ball throws 1 set of 30 reps
Thrusters with a 45lb bar 1 set of 30 secs
Jump Rope 30 secs

Reverse Ninja Stick 1 set at 30 secs each side
Isolated shuffle with 30lb kettlebells 4 sets
Incline Close Grip Push ups 4 sets of 30 secs
Jump Rope 45 secs

Sweep Ninja Stick 1 set at 30 secs each side
Box step up with knee crunch 4 sets (straight, left, right, straight) at 1 min
Plank 2 sets at 1 min
Jump Rope 1 min

It's definitely going to be a new challenge but I am excited to take it on.

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