Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 39 Get Fit day and sunshine two of my favorite things right now

Some hoity toity school once did a study about how sunshine and good weather has an impact on a person's mood, it's totally true. 

Today was an off day so I decided to save the gas and not drive the 25 minutes into town to do my two cardio workouts. Instead Max and I had two walks around the lake. We took our first walk around the lake midmorning. The sun was out and there was a decent breeze couldn't ask for a better day. Because it was so nice I let Max decide our route around the lake today. We ended up having about three different detours before we made it back around to the house where both of us extremely hot but happy. 

Since it was an off day I tried to be a bit more active in between cardio workouts, which wasn't hard with the list of chores I got handed today. Water all the flowers, fold all the laundry, grill up the next batch of chicken, pick up all the sticks in our yard and our neighbor's yard, scoop up all the dog poo, rise out the garbage cans, you know fun-ish house b!tch stuff like that. Add to that all the wedding crap I did today and it was almost like working a full day at a real job. 

Tonight when the temperature cooled off a bit my mom and I took Max on yet another walk around the lake this time the opposite direction we usually go to break it up a bit. We also seemed to do more of a power walk as we wanted to make it back to the house before dark. Hopefully Max wasn't too upset he didn't get to stop, sniff, and pee on everything he wanted to. 

Tomorrow my brother is in town for a visit before he and his fiance move to North Carolina. While he is in he is going to re-work my workouts to fit more with the equipment I have access to at the new gym, and I am curious to see what he comes up with. I have a feeling he is going to crank it up about 10 notches but everyone needs a little push and hey with an even more challenging workout who knows I might get some of the gym motivation back because I want to conquer it. 

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