Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 59 Get Fit Challenge...working out with an injury

This morning I was feeling a bit better and went to the gym to do my morning HIT workout and cardio. I was worried I wasn't going to be able to do a lot of the exercises because of it hurting my rib cage but I was able to get through everything without it hurting though I was really winded after every exercise. I didn't do the row machine for cardio because I thought the motion would be bad on the ribs so I did 45 minutes on the stepper instead.

Tonight's weight workout was chest and it went ok even with the injury. I was a bit worried that the strain of lifting would really affect my rib but it was actually ok. For cardio tonight I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and that is when my rib started hurting. The arm movements of pushing and pulling made me really feel the strain on my rib area and after we left the pain really set in and has been with me all night. 

I am afraid I might have pushed too hard too fast today and I might be paying for it tomorrow....grrr!

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