Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 44 Get Fit Challenge...back day

The HIT workout went well this morning. I noticed that my break time between complexes is decreasing which is great. I am also noticing that my jump rope skills are getting better and I can make it through the 30 seconds without stopping, through the 45 seconds only stopping once, and through the minute stopping twice. Planks are going well and I am thinking of adding a third set. 

Since we did 3 of the back exercises last night we worked in an ab workout tonight after our weights. I think I need to start working in the ab workout more to help strengthen my back. I do get quite a lot of ab work from HIT and weight lifting in general because with most of the exercises you engage your core, but I think taking the extra time to really just focus on it will be beneficial.

Tomorrow is an off day so all I have are my two sessions of cardio. It's supposed to be really nice tomorrow so it looks like Max is going to get two walks around the lake, which of course he will be more than excited about. 

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