Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 50 Get Fit Challenge...leg day I did not miss you

My morning HIT workout seemed to go a bit faster today even though I had to run around the gym to gather all of the items I needed since they can never seem to stay in the area they are supposed to. I don't know what it is with people having no gym etiquette. Seems like no one can put stuff back where they got it or clean up their area after they use it. 

Tonight we finally make it to the gym to lift and let me tell you after going 4 days without lifting leg day really sucked tonight. It's crazy how quickly your body loses it's strength but it takes so long to build it up. I would have thought that with keeping up with the HIT workouts and the cardio it wouldn't be too bad, clearly I was wrong. I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow.  

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