Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 42 Get Fit Challenge...why are there so many high school kids at the gym?

This morning when I got to the gym it was packed. Thankfully the area where I do my HIT workout was empty so I gathered all of my equipment and got to work. About halfway through my first cycle an older woman started working out in the same area doing what I can only assume is some kind of physical therapy. She gave me some strange looks as I moved from one exercise to the next. I really hate it when people stare at you in the gym if you are doing something other than what they know or when you are really focusing on pushing the air out of your body with each rep, but with older people I don't mind I just pray they don't start talking to me while I'm trying to get through my workout. 

Finished with my HIT workout I moved to the row machine to do half of my cardio. The row machine is located in with all of the weight machines and sits next to the track. From what I have seen it's also rarely used, so when a person is actually on it people tend to stare at them. I find it a great way to 1. get my cardio in and 2. people watch at the same time. Now I am not sure why every high school student in a 30 mile radius was at the gym this morning but man do they need some help with their workouts (esp the boys who I'm assuming are lifting for football). These guys do maybe 6-7 different exercises but it takes them over an hour because they talk and play on their phones more than they do work. And the girls lordie they are more concerned with getting the boys to look at them than doing any kind of lifting.

In short it makes to feel very thankful to be out of high school but at the same time I just get this urge to slap them all upside their heads. After almost taking 3 different guys out with the row machine because they walk by it too close (like you can't see me on it? Please) I finished my last 20 minutes of cardio on the stepper which pretty much means my legs are going to hate me tomorrow. 

Tonight was chest and when my mom and I got there around 7pm the gym was still really busy, which again odd as most of the time it's pretty dead by then so we had to create a space to get our workout in amongst the old timers, high schoolers, and Asians in jeans. I really wish they would rework this area to give people more space as all of the equipment is basically right on top of the thing next to, behind or in front of it. Lifting and cardio completed we left quite tired. We'll see how my body feels in the morning hopefully it's not too sore as it will make the HIT workout pretty difficult to get through. 

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