Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 46 Get Fit Challenge...what do you mean the gym in closed?

Ah Friday end of the work week and everyone's most anticipated day. Today was a nice day it was warmer the sun was out and everyone and there mother was at the gym in the morning. I don't know why high school students are up and functioning at 9am during the summer, but I wish they were all still at home in bed sleeping. That is what summer vacation is for right? Sleeping in? No, not these kids they are all at the flippin gym attempting to lift weights and failing so badly it makes me want to smack them all upside the heads. 
Thankfully the only time I have to be around them is during my cardio as my little hallway stays pretty empty minus some random older person who thinks doing 15 sit ups and 10 minutes of staring at my craziness is a great workout.

This afternoon I got restless so I took Max for a walk around the lake and enjoyed being out in the sun. Today was also a grill day so I make up another batch of chicken on the grill for the week. I also found a recipe for a bell pepper slaw that I want to try out to mix up the veggies a bit. 

Tonight mom and I went into town to hit up the gym only to find out that it was closed when we got there. I mean seriously who closes the gym at 7pm on a Friday? Apparently the one we belong to. New summer hours they say, so must remember that Friday, Saturday, and Sundays the gym closes at 7pm. 

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