Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 40 Get Fit leg workout

Since it's the weekend my mom joined me at the gym this morning for my HIT workout and cardio. I worked in the row machine today as part of my cardio to break it up a bit. It wasn't too bad. I did 20 minutes and felt good but I didn't want to push it too much so I did the next 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. 

My brother came in this weekend and he has added a new leg workout to the mix tonight. It's pretty intense to say the least with 2 warm up sets and 3 working sets. We started with front squats then went into leg curls then a weighted pelvic lift and we finished with bulgarian split squats. Apparently there should have been some weighted walking lunges in the mix there but thankfully he forgot and we didn't have enough time to do them and cardio before the gym closed. 

Tomorrow he is coming with me to the gym to rework my HIT workout. I have to say the last time this happened things got a lot harder, but I am curious to see what he switches out to challenge me with. 

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