Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 52 Get Fit Challenge...oh you very sweaty

DOMS is kickin' my ass today but the morning HIT workout and cardio seemed to help stretch my legs out a bit. As I went down to the locker room to change my shoes and leave a middle aged Chinese woman was getting changed at the locker next to mine. She looked me up and down and said, "Oh you very very sweaty. You must have done hard workout." After spending 3 years in Korea this statement did not even phase me and honestly I found it quite amusing that regardless where you are in the world it seems like Asians are nothing but consistent. After explaining to her that I had been working out for two hours she smiled and said, "Yes, very good workout."

Tonight the gym was less crowded because of all the rain we had been getting today so it was a bit easier to get our chest supersets in. The chest supersets are getting a bit easier so next chest day I'm going to ramp it up to make it more challenging. Made some gains with the pec deck and seated incline press by being able to put another 10 pounds on each of them. I also increased the incline on the elliptical machine tonight as well and that felt pretty good for the 45 minutes that I was on it. 

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