Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 43 Get Fit Challenge...burning biceps

This morning's HIT workout went a little bit smoother as I didn't have to run around and collect all the different equipment from every corner of the gym. It also took me a lot less time to set everything up so I got through things a lot faster. I really like that my morning cardio now consists of 20 minutes on the row machine and 20 minutes on the step machine. Next week I jump to 45 minutes of cardio twice a day so I think I will up my row by 5 minutes and see how that goes. 

I've started sitting in my parents hot tub after my morning workouts for about 45 minutes which is really helping with the back and knee pain. Granted it's summer but as of right now the weather hasn't been too hot in the mornings and early afternoon so it's not unbearable. It also lets me get a little sun on my white white skin and a little Vitamin D does a body good.

Tonight the weight workout was biceps and triceps. I think I need to start printing out and bringing the weight workouts with me because I am getting confused about what we do on what days and I accidently added in 3 back workouts to our bi's and tri's. Oh well little extra never hurt anyone. Will be interesting tomorrow though as that is back day. My poor mom she's gonna say, "What we just did this last night." Sorry Ma! She's been doing really well with me at the gym. She already went through this program herself and is in maintenance mode so she was only going to the gym every other day. Now she goes with me for my 4 on 1 off and she does two a days with me on the weekends (which really kicks her ass as she never had to do two a days) but she's a pretty good trouper through it all especially after working all day. 

Food wise I am ready for new vegetables as I am about cucumber and tomato salad out and getting bored with finding ways to use bell peppers. Also now that the weather is warmer I really don't want to eat lots of hot foods so I need to figure out a way to do some cold dishes with the chicken and veggies that isn't salad with no dressing.

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