Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 38 Get Fit Challenge...naps are a cure all

It truly is amazing what a three hour nap will do for your body. 

Today I woke up at 6:45am like I always do and just couldn't get going. In a zombie state I got ready to head to the gym. I was even so out of it that I forgot to put protein powder in my shake and couldn't understand why when I was shaking it up it wasn't turning a chocolaty color. While I was sitting on the couch waiting for my shake to digest so I could head to the gym I passed out. Like passed out cold where a bomb could have gone off next to me and I wouldn't have flinched. I woke up at 11:30am feeling so much better like I had life back in my body again. 
Though I did feel bad about missing my morning workout clearly my body was telling me that sleep was needed if I was going to function properly. I did end up taking Max on a walk around the lake to get my cardio in, and I did do my back weight workout and cardio tonight at the gym so it wasn't a complete loss of an exercise day. I've found that in life you take the good days with the bad and aim for having more of the good ones. 

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