Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 36 Get Fit Challenge...feeling my age

This morning when I got up lots of things were popping and cracking and my knees just ached. Nothing will make you feel older than when this happens. All this soreness made my HIT workout and cardio difficult to get through this morning. Cardio was especially difficult on the elliptical because my knees were really bothering me and the machines they have there don't go flat so you're always on an incline which didn't really help my case any. 

Tonight mom and I were supposed to do biceps and triceps but we had a big storm come in with the threat of hail and possible tornadoes so we decided not to make the 20 minute drive into town. I still managed to get my second cardio session in this evening by taking the dog for a walk around the lake. So tomorrow back on schedule weather permitting. 

Other than that not much else did a lot of wedding stuff today to fill the rest of my day by getting all of my North American wedding invitations assembled and ready to mail. 

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